Public Events on Liquid Becomings European Pavillion 2024

Photo by Nel Lato

In the first 2 weeks of the journeys embarked on as part of Liquid Becomings: The European Pavilion 2024, on the Danube and Vistula Rivers, the artistic crews were very focused on research and listening to the river and nature. They were able to take in more of the river’s scenery – particularly soaking up the process of conducting artistic residencies onboard a boat.

Along the Danube, the crew placed a bigger focus on being in the wild while experiencing internal artistic processes, sometimes meeting people who live near the river in more reserved encounters.

From now on, with the second part of the Vistula route and the Rhine and Tagus sails, a number of public events will be held, which the general public is welcome to attend.


The journey from Warsaw through Kazimierz Dolny, Solec nad Wisłą, and Sandomierz will end with a three-day programme in Krakow: 

26th September – arrival in Krakow 

5:00 pm – the opening ceremony of “Siłaczki” (“the Strong Ones”), a group exhibition to celebrate the centenary of Polish women gaining voting rights (Museum of Krakow, Krzysztofory Palace 1).
6:00pm – exhibition in the Museum of Krakow, Kamienica Hipolitów 

Everyone is invited to this free event – no booking necessary!

Museum of Krakow, Krzysztofory Palace 1
Pałac Krzysztofory Rynek Główny 35, 31-011

27th September

12:00 pm – performative guided tour of Jerzy Bereś’ exhibition in Cricoteca
1:00 pm – welcoming guests onto the boat; musical performance, reading from “Bodies of water” by Astrida Neimanis (new Polish translation published by Pamoja, illustrated by Agnieszka Brzeżańska). 

Everyone is invited to this free event – no booking necessary!

The Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor Cricoteka
2-4 Nadwiślańska Street, 30-527 Krakow

28th September

2:30 pm – eco-historical guided tour of the Vistula in Krakow (limited capacity on boats, already fully booked).

29th September

Open programme in Dom Utopii in Nowa Huta, Krakow
1:00 pm – arrival at the marina in Mogila, walk/parade through Nowa Huta, guided tour of exhibition “The Perfect City” by Henryk Makarewicz and Wiktor Pental
4:00 pm – a watery buffet by Tomek Pawłowski (lunch in the garden of the Łaźnia Nowa Theatre)
5:00 pm – an open discussion with Cecylia Malik and the Rivers Sisters (Dom Utopii)
6:00 pm – deep listening concert “The sounds of Dłubnia river” by Rafał Mazur

Everyone is invited to this free event – no booking necessary!

Dom Utopii – Międzynarodowe Centrum Empatii
Osiedle Szkolne 26a, 31-978 Kraków

Photo by Nel Lato


Saturday 28th September
Liquid Becomings x Sonnenborgh Museum
Utrecht Future transformations | Zooming out, Looking at the stars
5:00 – 10:00 pm
An Evening at the Observatory. In collaboration with and hosted by Sonnenborgh Museum + the University of Utrecht, with Joost Vervoort and Madelaine Ley

We are water. Water is us. This cosmic truth may feel grandiose or out of reach, but it’s a simple part of our day-to-day lives. Magic often resides in the mundane, if only we turn our attention to it.
Through a blend of contemplative practice and collective reflection, Joost Vervoort (Associate Professor of Transformative Imagination) and Madelaine Ley (spiritual ecologist and philosopher) invite you to connect with the mystery of water by noticing how it already runs through you. Participants will then go on to explore together how we can go from personal experiences of mystery and the depth of life to considering how to build a society in which the mystery of life is safeguarded and upheld.

Monday 30th September
Welcoming the boat to Rotterdam

2:00 pm – 4 pm – During the afternoon, the boat will sail through the city, stopping at various points to meet locals and have a coffee and a chat. Check out the event schedule details:

  • 2:00 pm: Central arrival (Entrepothaven at Rotterdam Marina / Kop van Zuid)
    2:30 pm: Opened round boat trip (registrations in spot)
    3:40 pm: Sailing to Veerhaven / Het Portaal
    4:00 pm: Veerhaven meet and greet: welcome, short hosted conversation between curators, drinks at Het Portaal (Veerhaven 12c), hosted by director Rien Bongers

7:30 – 10:00 pm – Public event in the Brutus Garden (Atelier van Lieshout Images and sound collected during the Rhine journey will be projected around the space, along with a performance by local composer and guitarist Aart Strootman with new instruments he has made and a pop-up bar for guest refreshments.

The 30th September events are open — no booking is required, and everyone is invited with free admission.

Tuesday 1st October
Rotterdam – A Futuring LAB Liquid Becomings x Buitenplaats Brienenoord
2:30 – 10:00 pm
Organised with Buitenplaats Brienenoord – the rehearsal room of the future. A unique place, an island and artist-led initiative deeply rooted in Rotterdam, featuring a programme that focuses on future thinking AND future doing, always using imagination as a key driver. A dinner provided by Eat House Collective will be served, followed by a party set to sounds curated by Janpier Brands.

Further information here.

10 places will be held for members of the public to join us. Please register here by the 25th of September to be considered. The ballot will be drawn the next day, and the winners informed that they will be sharing in this moment with the Rhine Liquid Becomings crew.


1st November – the boat arrives in Lisbon – welcome drink with curators and the Tagus crew at Doca do Poço do Bispo in Beato. Time to be confirmed. Check our socials.

7th-9th November – Lisbon Liquid Becomings Festival (full programme to be announced on the 7th of October)

Photo by Nel Lato

If you want to know more about specific events, don’t hesitate to contact our team. You can do that by the IG account direct message or by email to [email protected].

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