The curatorial team of the Vistula crew

Liquid Becomings — The European Pavilion 2024

The curatorial team of the Vistula crew: Agnieszka Brzeżańska, Ewa Ciepielewska, Maria Magdalena Kozłowska.

Crew: 11 people on board.

It’s the 4th day of the European Pavilion 2024: Liquid Becomings. Approaching Mniszew. The sky is clear.


@flowczyliprzeplyw @ciepielewskaewa @matrixsratrix @piotrjedynasiak @nel.lato @centrala_architects @wayofbecoming @maria_magdalena_kozlowska @patryk_zakrocki @flaviapinheirofp – on Instagram

#liquidbecomings #theeuropeanpavilion

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